Yarn-Over, Ligature… Same Difference.
lig·a·ture [lig-uh-cher, -choor] noun. — Printing. a character or type combining two or more letters. (Yarn overs aren't all that different)

2 days until the contest!

PSA: If you are family do not read this post!!!

I finished my very first pair of gloves with fingers. I knit a picot edged pair of gloves for my mother in law to-be, and I'm very excited about them. The yarn is a mix of merino wool and silk, and they're really warm and soft. I'm sure she'll love them. Christmas knitting has been plugging along. I've made it really far down my list, and think that I can get a few more done yet before Christmas.

I already have knits done for my parents, my brother and his fiancée, my niece Emma, and my future father-in-law. I'm working on a secret project for my fiancé and have so far been able to keep it a secret from him, and would love to make a pair of mittens for his brother and his brother's wife. A pair of mittens for me wouldn't hurt either.

As of last night, I finished my goals for October.

October Wrap Up:

1. Gift Item: Llama Striped Hat for my brother, Joel (ravlink)
Pattern: Turn A Square Hat by Jared Flood (free pattern)
Progress: I finished this hat in record time. I think I started it on the last day of September, and it was done by the following evening. COMPLETED Oct 1

2. Gift Item: Baby Jacket for my new niece, Emma (ravlink)
Pattern: Buttons Hat and Jacket from Naturally Yarns
Progress: The jacket went surprisingly quickly, and the hat too. I had to wait a few weeks for the buttons to arrive, but once they did, they were adorable! COMPLETED Oct 13

3. Gift Item: Simple Hat for my FFIL, Gerry (ravlink)
Pattern: Jacques Cousteau Hat by Typy (free pattern)
Progress: Another really quick-knit. The yarn is from knit picks, and it's a big, warm hat. I know he'll love it. COMPLETED Oct 12

4. Gift Item: Embroidered Gloves for my FFMIL, Diane (ravlink)
Pattern: Cashmere Picot Edged Gloves by Insaknitty (direct PDF download link)
Progress: These took longer than the others. The picot edging on the first glove took forever but once I figured out the picot, I was much happier. after the edging, they went quickly enough. doing the fingers were a lot of fun, since I'd never done them before, and I learned some embroidery!

5. Gift Item: Striped Hat for my Fiancé, Chris (ravlink)
Pattern: Fibonacci Pea Cap by Lisa Bennett (free pattern)
Progress: Chris keeps complaining about being cold, and I've never knit him anything before. So, I went and bought a skein of some lovely alpaca, used up some scrap yarn, and made him a warm hat. This hat is very loosely based on the pattern above, but I didn't really follow it at all. This item wasn't on my original list. COMPLETED Oct 24

It's done, but I haven't been able to get him out of the apartment, so I haven't been able to get a finished photo.

6. Gift Item: Mittens for FFSIL, Anik (ravlink)
Pattern: Picot Edged Mittens by Carolyn (free pattern)
Progress: These were fun to make, and a really easy pattern. Instead of seaming the cuff, I'm attaching buttons that I bought on Etsy. I'll post photos when it's done. This wasn't on my original list either. COMPLETED Oct 24

Knitting Meme! Here is a list of knitting techniques. Bold the ones you have tried, italicize the ones you want to try and leave the rest in plain text.

Afghan I-cord
Garter stitch

Knitting with metal wire


Stockinette stitch

Socks: top-down

Socks: toe-up

Knitting with camel yarn

Mittens: Cuff-up

Mittens: Tip-down


Knitting with silk

Mobius band knitting

Participating in a KAL

Drop stitch patterns

Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn

Slip stitch patterns

Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Domino knitting

Twisted stitch patterns

Knitting with bamboo yarn

Two end knitting

Charity knitting

Knitting with soy yarn


Toy/doll clothing

Knitting with circular needles

Baby items

Knitting with your own hand-spun yarn


Graffiti knitting
Continental knitting

Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns

Lace patterns

Publishing a knitting book

Participate in an exchange


Teaching a child/teenager to knit

American/English knitting

Knitting to make money

Knitting with alpaca

Fair Isle knitting

Norwegian knitting

Dying with plant colors

Knitting items for a wedding

Household items

Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on one or two circulars

Knitting with someone else's hand-spun yarn

Knitting with dpns

Holiday related knitting

Teaching a male how to knit


Knitting for a living

Knitting with cotton

Knitting smocking

Dying yarn

Knitting art

Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously

Knitting with wool
Textured knitting

Kitchener stitch

Knitted flowers

Knitting with beads

Long Tail CO


Knitting backwards

Machine knitting

Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegated yarn

Stuffed toys
Knitting with cashmere



Knitting with synthetic yarn

Writing a pattern

Gloves Intarsia
Knitting with linen

Knitting for preemies

Tubular CO

Free-form knitting

Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mits/arm-warmers
Knitting a pattern from an on-line knitting magazine

Knitting on a loom
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift

Knitting for pets


Knitting with dog/cat hair

Hair accessories

Knitting in public

1 Comment:

  1. maitai said...
    you've been really busy! i don't know how you do it - i can't knit for christmas. i'm so bad with deadlines! i love those buttons!

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