I took Arbor out of hibernation today. I had another project that needed to be completed before I would let myself get back into this one. Frogging made a huge difference. It fits now (at least the bodice, and the waist). I’m a little concerned about the neckline and worried I’ll run out of yarn before the end…
Here are some progress shots. I still have about 8 inches to add to the bottom, and finishing needs to happen on the neckline and arms. I may need to do something creative if the neckline doesn't work out the way I hope it will. Regardless, I think it's turning out pretty decently. Progress shots anyone?
I did end up running out of yarn about 1.5 inches from the bottom *le sigh* I will have to track down another ball in this colour. Maybe I'll get lucky and get something in the right dye lot. Or am I dreaming?
I made more progress on my socks over the weekend. They now cover my toes, which to me is very exciting. Chris (live-in fiancé) laughs at me, but it makes me happy. Two photos, first is knitting while camping, second is my progress shot.

As July approaches, and we near the half-way point of the year, I started thinking about new year resolutions. I didn't make any "typical" resolutions, but I did have some knitting-related ones. Let's check them out and see how I did.
- Finish this sweater this year. I don't know how ambitious this is, but I do know that I have a crappy attention span so we'll have to wait and see if I lose interest or not.
I finished the sweater in question in April. It doesn't fit quite right but I'm not losing sleep over it. It was a wonderful experience, and I was even more energized about knitting when it was finished. - Go to at least one knitting gathering a month
I've actually managed to do this. It makes me a little sad that I was right in assuming that only one a month was do-able. If I had my way it would be more of a weekly thing. - Participate in at least one swap per season
Well, I tried. I was in a swap for the Winter, but my swap partner never sent me my package. Not only that, she lied about it. *sigh* Lesson learned. I am in another swap for Summer, but I guess I missed the spring swap opportunities. There was just too much going on, what with losing my job and having no money. - blog at least once per week (to encourage knitting? Perhaps ^_^)
This is going so well. I've blogged at least 5 times a month every month this year so far. March was the best with a whopping 11 posts! I've only done 4 in June, but this post makes 5. So far, I'm doing really really well. - knit a pair of socks!
Definitely. I started my first pair of socks last weekend. These will definitely be done by the time it gets cold enough to wear them ^_^
I'm going to start over with the resolutions because these ones are pretty much covered!
- Finish Arbor before the fall, so you can actually wear the thing.
- Finish those socks by fall, so you can wear them!
- You know those endpaper mitts you knit? Well, you only knit one and need to knit the second one already!
- Knit something in lace using the Fiddlesticks yarn you bought on a whim before you start something else.
- You know that pink young touch yarn you got from that nice lady at WWKIP day? Well, figure out what to make with it already!
- You're getting married, so you'd better get moving or you won't have a venue!
Labels: Arbor, progress, Resoltions, socks, WIP
Last Wednesday, the day of my last post, was full of knitting news and was mostly centered on WWKIP Day. (It was a blast, I tell you, and the next one will be too far away *sigh*).
Anyway, the weekend was fast approaching, and the "mystery project" was going nowhere fast. Now, why you ask, was the weekend such a bad thing? Well, we went camping! Now, camping is a fantastic adventure and I love it to bits, however, it was scheduled to downpour the entire weekend and the "mystery project" was not something I was willing to drag through the mud just because I have an unhealthy addiction to knitting.
I needed a camping-friendly project. I thought and I thought, and came up with an idea! Ah ha! I will knit those pair of socks that came to me through the hot cocoa swap in the fall! (Yes, it's been a long time since the yarn arrived, I just wasn't feeling it. Can we move on? lol) Anyway, I went to knitty, printed off the toe-up sock formula (rav link), packed my bags and we drove off to Bon Echo. It's about a 3 hour drive without making a pit-stop for dinner so I was able to contort myself in the front seat to get my measurements (that was fun!) and managed to get about a 2 centimeters of knitting done on the weekend. It doesn't sound like much, but I was very happy with the accomplishment. I took pictures of the lake there, and I tried to get a picture of my very first pair of socks on their very first knitting adventure. We had a wonderful time, and though I was buggy and filthy, I was sad to leave.
We came home, and I continued working on the socks, until I realized that the "mystery project" has a deadline and I should really be working on it instead. So, progress was made and completion is immanent! Well, all that hard work paid off because the mystery project is done!
If you're not mom and dad, click here for details.
Labels: camping, mysetery knitting, socks, WIP
I was tagged by poetic knits (go read her blog!) for this meme. I don't often do them, mostly because I'm lazy. But this one looked like fun.
If you want to do it too, here are the instructions:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One word to describe you.
12. Your Flickr name.
Have fun! & let me know if you do this. I'd love to see your results.
Surprisingly, I have knitting updates for you! The mystery project that I'm working on is at the 89% point and I'm very happy with it. I'm hoping to have it done by the end of next week. I'm taking a small break the next day or two and trying to do something with the recycled sari yarn I picked up at my LYS Knit-knackers. (they have bunnies!) I'm making the Paris Loop (rav link). I figure I have enough yarn since I had purchased two skeins. I decided I wanted it to be wearable since it's so soft, and opted not to do a bag or something. Shame it's so stinky. It'll need a good wash before I can wear it.
Here it is, my Recycled Paris Loop
Pairs Loop (pattern) (ravelry) by Stefanie Japel
Source: Glampyre Knits and Magknits, Warm 2004 (no longer available on magknits)
Recipient: Myself
Occasion: Destashing
Finished: June 18, 2008
Yarn: 2 skeins of Recycled Sari Silk from Knit Knackers
Needles: US 15, 11, and 7

WWKIP day was awesome. A group of us met at Major's Hill Park on Saturday and knit in the afternoon. It was a pretty good sized group considering it was a rainy day. 14 people in all. After the park, we went over the the Earl of Sussex pub for some drinks and more public knitting. It was a very good day. I've uploaded my photos to flickr. Enjoy!
I also won a de-stashing "door prize". Yay yarn! ^___^

Now onto the WWKIP Day photos.

Labels: meme, mysetery knitting, WIP, WWKIP
Mom and dad, don't click this link. I'm making great progress! See here: http://knitallyear.blogspot.com/2008/06/elizabeths-q2-challenge-70.html
It's been very hot, which makes knitting a large project very challenging. I'm getting loads of laundry done… but that's not knitting. I should try and make progress on something so I have pictures to show you. I know! I can show you a picture of my guinea pig, mocha. He's cozying up to a ice pack wrapped in a tea towel to stay cool. Isn't he cute? He's two ^_^
Labels: christmas, guinea pigs, mysetery knitting
You know, it's very hard to blog about your knitting when your only project is a secret. We moved last weekend, and so Arbor has been sitting all lonesome and sort of frogged. I feel a little bad that I haven't touched it since I ripped it back. I've been working solidly on a Christmas project that is coming along very nicely. Maybe if I push myself I can finish this mystery project and actually move a bit on Arbor!
I'm sorry for the lack of knitting photos, so instead, I give you the view from my new apartment. You can just see the Gatineau Hills in the distance.
Labels: gift knitting